
Can people convicted of a major crime still get an Australian passport?

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The major crime is attempted murder. The conviction was for six months. The offence was committed in Australia (Sydney I think).




  1. I doubt any Country would give a passport to a convicted criminal especially if the crime was committed in that Country.

  2. they'll give you a passport, but places like the usa wouldn't let you in.  

    6mths for attempted murder? what a joke!

  3. Yes, criminal convictions do not bar a person from being granted an Australian passport provided that the person is not currently on parole and there are no outstanding arrest warrants or bail conditions that would prevent their leaving Australia.

    Many countries have restrictions on the granting of visas to persons with criminal records. You would need to make enquiries of each country to be visited.

  4. 6 Months for attempted murder ... thats...well...woah.... maybe try coober pedy, and fill in the whole. (jk, but that's not a long sentence for the crime) Considering a mate i went to high school was killed and the man only got 16months or something ridiculous like that :()

    Opinions asiidde....

    But what the first guy said is true.... There may be some countries that will let you in... but attempted murder is different to say, theft, is a pretty hefty crime.

  5. They can get a passport which will let them leave the country after they have satisfied all their parole obligations. However I very much doubt that any country will give them a visa, so they probably can't go anywhere.

    Australia does not give out visas to overseas applications convicted of major offences, and indeed we often deport our permanent residents and others that have not taken out Australian citizenship that are convicted of prison terms of a year or more in Australia.

  6. I would say stay away from Australia if you have that type of conviction. We don't need pple like that in Aussie. grrr!!!

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