
Can people eat dairy cows?

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If not, why not?




  1. yes you can

  2. All cows produce milk  and is made of flesh(meat, beef). A cow which is bred mainly for the quantity and quality of the milk is considered a dairy cow. When the milk production becomes low, the is slaughtered for its meat.

  3. C...O...W .. cow mane "Gau" hai

    gau hamari maata hai,..

    iske aage hame kuch nahi aata hai.

  4. Certainly, if you don't plan to milk them or you are done milking them.

  5. Dairy cows like other cows are culled (sent to butcher) if they are done producing well or someone is cutting back on what they raise in their herd. Younger animals of any breed have better meat qualities for roasts and steaks etc., but if they don't have youth they will be used in hamburger. Nothing of the cow is wasted. Even gelatin derives mostly from cow byproducts.

  6. yes, we do all the time. Where do you think old milk cows go and the steers?  I have heard that a place called McD uses that beef.

  7. We can and do. Often when the milk cow doesn't produce enough milk, it is shipped to the meat factory (slaughter house). That's where cheap hamburger originates.

  8. After dairy cows have been milked they are sold and mostly ground into hamburger. Males more than likely made into steers are fed, many sold as veal calves. The meat is Ok for hamburger. Dairy cows don't have as much meat in prime cuts. like (loin and rump) as beef cows because there purpose is to milk. Older beef cows are used mostly for hambuger as well. Most young cattle are finished on a growing and later a grain ration to promote taste and tenderness that older animals lose the ability to be prime beef as they get older.

  9. Dairy cows go almost exclusively to hamburger when they are retired from milking.  Dairy calves are sold as milk fed calves for veal, or they can be fattened in the feed lots and sold as regular beef cattle.  The steers fatten out almost as well as beef calves.

  10. yes, normally the meat is much more tender

  11. sure, people can eat at least part of any animal. thats why they're among us, to be a part of the food chain.

  12. A cow is a cow.  Yes, of course you can eat one.  The only difference is that some breeds have been selectively bred to produce more milk, other breeds have been selectively bred for hardship (such as longhorns), and others for flavor.  All of them are eatable.

  13. no ..u may not eat cows

  14. Yes, but they are not tender at all, and the cuts are huge.

    They usually go to weiners and burgers.

    Holstein steers raised of feedlots are pretty decent though.

  15. of course people can, dairy cows are normally older than feeder cows. everyone knows that old cows aren't very tasty. dairy cows are also more valuable alive making milk than butchered.

  16. I guess so, but isn't dairy the main word there? Idk i wouldn't do it, but then again me and my dad raise beef cattle so really idk.

  17. Yes you can. Any animal can be eaten. I have worked on a couple of farms over the years and have seen holsteins raised as beef cattle. If you don't know what a holstein is, it is the black and white "cows" you see in the happy cows come from California commercial.

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