
Can people eat faster with rock music or classical music???

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Can people eat faster with rock music or classical music???




  1. With rock music people eat faster. Louder music stimulates more adrenaline and the excess adrenaline makes you more active which stimulates the hand and mouth coordination.

    Classical music helps you to taste the food better.

  2. It's well established that rock music makes people eat faster.  It imposes stress and increases adrenaline levels.  It is also well established that the stress and the increased adrenaline are harmful, and that eating more slowly is more healthy.

  3. I don't know about everyone else, but I eat with my mouth, not with music...

  4. i'd say classical. it's been proven it clears your mind and makes you do things more efficiently and quick... so i'd assume that would be the same in eating as well.

  5. rock music

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