
Can people get spots on their bum, from sitting down TOO much?

by  |  earlier

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I sit on the PC quite a lot, most days I stay in and surf the net. Can this cause spots? I've heard it can. :)




  1. h**l yeah it can, I used to sit in 24/7 and i mean 24/7!!! i was up late every night on the web chatting as you do and playing games. Usually not going to sleep till 6am lol and then sleeping and waking up and straight on the computer again after a while i would get spots on my butt cheeks that would REALLY hurt if i tried to squeeze them (once i managed to pop one and iy REALLY was painful aha, i know ew) but I don't really come online much any more maybe 3/4 hours a day at night and now i don't get them .. get some exercise and go out with mates more or find something else to do .. ride a bike play a bit of football .. fly a kite haha.. anything to get of your bottom and give it some exercise and get the blood flowing down there :D

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