
Can people really blame Eve for all the problems in this world today?

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Knowing that Eve was a woman and was tricked by Satan into eating the forbidding fruit and gave it to Adam. Can we really blame Eve, or women in general, for all the negativity that's going on in the world today? I suppose so...

If Eve hadn't eaten the apple, how do you think this dispicable world would have turned out?




  1. we would be all over the place naked

    .got my point?

  2. It seems as though men have also enjoyed sin, so I think it would have only been a matter of time before someone other than Eve would have messed up.  However, it is fortunate for us men that we can blame her:)  

  3. cannot blame it on Eve..

    lt is mankind that has turned this world upside down.

  4. people have to blame someone these day and it not eve's fault for any of whats happening these day people make there own chooses no matter.. everyone is forbidden to do something and they still do ..  

  5. That is just a religious view.

    and so i will give you a religious answer:

    If Eve was not tricked by the snake/Satan, then the only people who would be living would be Adam and Eve, we would all be nonexistent from this world.

    --just to clarify a bit, we would not be alive because of the fact that the bible states that God actually conceived the notion of procreation because Adam and Eve betrayed his authority and ate from the tree of knowledge.

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