
Can people really communicate with ghosts? What do you think?

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Well, I just read a very interesting article about this medium who is able to communicate in some way with ghosts. To tell you the truth, I think that it is possible. What do you guys think about it?




  1. yeeehhssss. my cousins friend can but she doesnt cuzzzz itttzzzz dangerous    x

  2. Yes, some people can communicate with ghosts. The message therapist that I see has been seeing and communicating with ghosts since she was a small girl. She cleanses auras as well as give great deep tissue massages.

  3. It is possible, but using cold reading techniques an illusionist can get results just as good as anyone claiming to be communicating with the dead. I see no reason to believe until a medium can outperform someone who is using trickery.

  4. Hello

    Maybe not so much Ghosts as they are imprints on time & fabric. But spirit - yes!!


  5. Ghosts are merly people after they fie. If we could speak to eachother why couldnt we speak to the dead that are ghosts? I do believe it is possible especially if that ghosts wants to communicate with you, wouldnt it be just like if the ghost fif not want you to see it then you wouldnt?

  6. i know its true how do u explain all things werid unexplainable things happen and if god is true the devil must be true to and demons.

  7. I believe ghosts are all around us and if we take the time to at least attempt to cummunicate with them you may have luck but I believe it is very difficult and some people simply have better luck than others. Try meditating in a quiet place and simple become "receptive" to what is around you and I am sure any nearby spirits may notice your attempts.

  8. Yes you can also, believe you do Not have to be psychic to do that or use a oujia board you just have to be in a haunted place..I've know someone who's had that experience..

  9. Yes it is possibleto communicate with:



    or just talk you could hear them

  10. I think that they're in fact communicating with their own ghosts and their ghosts tell them what it knows or sees. If the dead have ghosts then the living must also have ghosts. So if you can become in touch with your own spirit or ghost you can see or feel certain things. But I don't know if it is real or is it something imagined. Could be real or could be imagined. But it's not like the world we live in. It only happens at certain moments or periods and then they disappear. At least that's what most ghost stories are like. Don't know why they disappear or why they appear in the first place. I only believe this when I am really scared. lol

  11. yes, last night i used the ouija board. it was Wicked!

  12. I believe it's possible, as well.

    I can't really think of an explanation yet, but if their are accounts of people witnessing the manifestation or if they feel it pass, even hauntings (hotels are popular and other public, historic places), I believe they exist. So why not communication?

  13. Sure - and I think anyone whowants to can communicate wth a ghost.  It's just a matter of actually speaking.

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