
Can people really love pets as much as moms love children?

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Be honest but kind:) Am I totally uptight or am I right to find it offensive when my childless friends and/or family say they love their pets as much and in the same way as I love my child? I realize people can care deeply for animals. However, I feel they speak of a love they know nothing about because they've never experienced the love of a child. I find it totally offensive and have found myself twice now having to bite my tongue and not tell them off. I see the comparison and point about animals being dependent but I somehow doubt mothers are capable of loving their pets and children equally. $5,000 for surgery on my child...Sure...a pet...let me think about it...Thoughts on if these comments or offensive or if I need to chill? I guess I don't like my kid and my friends' dogs being comparable.




  1. I'm sure they THINK they love their pet like you love their child because it's the closest thing they can relate to.  Before I had my children I thought I loved my dog like he was a child, but after having kids I see the difference.

    If your friend has no children, just let it be.  There's no sense in making your friend feel bad, there's no possible way for them to understand your love for your children.

  2. I think they are exaggerating it is not possible

  3. I love this question!!!!  I can't stand it when people do that!!  They THINK they love their pet as much as a child, but when they finally have  a child of their own, the pet is now just a pet!!!  I agree with you!  

  4. That is understandable but in my opinion, they don't have kids so they don't know what the love for a child is. I do believe that they do really love their pets, bit its not the same. When I was younger I had a cat that I loved like a child but that was before I had a child. They just don't understand. Telling them would be offensive though, they will get it someday when they have kids. I am sure they think they love them the same now.

  5. I don't think it's possible.

  6. Sure it's possible.

    People can have any feelings they want.  Other people's feelings having nothing to do with anyone else.

    Just relax and don't worry about much your friends/family love their pets.  Live and let live, and enjoy your child.

    All the best.

  7. Well, there is no way for them to know exactly how much you love your child, just like you cannot know exactly how they feel about their pets. So it's impossible to tell.

    For child-less people, their pets are the closet thing they have to children so they love them like they would love a baby. They won't really know how it feels to love a child until they have one, so for now that is the closet thing they have.

    Don't be offended by it, because to them their dog is the most important thing they have to care for, just like your child is the most important thing you have to take care for- so you have that in common. I'm sure no one is trying to make you upset, at least hopefully not.

  8. NO way is that remotely possible, whilst people might truly beleive so before they have a child of their own, they are basing it on a emotion they have not experienced before so how can any one say it's the same kind of love. Just not possible, for a mother we start to feel that bond when we are pregnant with the child, the child is growing inside and moving etc, the mircale of life going on right inside our bodies, how can a pet even come close to the maternal bond of a mother and her child?

    A Mother's love for a child and a person's love for a pet are not even on the same playing field and can not be compared.

  9. I know what you mean.  I don't think childless people really understand the depths of love you have for your child.  Just as a little aside though, I was talking to a friend about our kids keeping us awake at night and generally having a whinge (but sort of doing a bonding thing, if you know what I mean) - our other (childless) friend said yes, I know what you mean, my dog kept me awake half the night whining too!  We both just looked at each other, but with the mutual thought of "well put it outside then - it's only a dog!').  

  10. I think they think they do, but personally I don't think it is possible.  I know a couple of people like this and I find them a little off-kilter, but it doesn't offend me.  I can't work up enough psychological energy to be offended by it.  It is what it is....they don't have kids, so they can't relate to you, either.

    Good luck.

  11. lol my sister in law is a moron. she is always drunk and she has 2 kids she hardly takes care of. she is also verry stuck up and shallow.

    so one day i almost threw up when she said, "i care more about if a pet dies than a person" and it was also the way she said it like she was dead serious! being a mom myself, i couldnt beleive she could even say it.

    i mean i like my cat and all, but my daughter is waaaaaay more important. i have a heart for animals also, but when it comes to a human being and family, there is no comparison. just know in your head they are dumb, and maybe if they have kids someday they will understand that 'sparky' really isnt as important... : )

  12. No way.  If you asked me this question before I had my daughter, I would say yes it was possible.  But once you have a child, you realize the love for your pet NO WHERE comes close to the love you have for your own flesh and blood.

  13. that would highly bother me also..they can not speak of something they know nothing of.i personally think it is ridiculous..i had animals before i had my daughter i loved them with all my husband also but i never even knew what love was until i had my daughter!they just say that because they do not know any better..if i were you i would just come back with you will see when you have a child of your own or something similar that way you are not being mean but you are getting the point that what they are saying is bullshit..because that is exactly what it is

    i lived below a woman who only has 2 dogs and fish.well during a storm all the apartments electricity went out and the neighbors and i were talking about it outside and i said my daughter (like 5 months at the time now 11!) is afraid of the dark i do not know what i am going to do with my husband at work when it gets dark and she actually says oh well you think that is bad what about my poor saltwater fish! i was blown away..they will learn when they have kids and you can brag about how right you were then

  14. I don't think I could love a pet as much as I love my children.  However, my Aunt-in-law has two dogs, and no children.  Her dogs are her children though.  She has birthday parties, takes them everywhere she can, and sometimes even gets a sitter for them.  No she's not crazy.... when I was first around her, I thought it was very weird, but that's just how she is.

  15. I don't have a child or a pet, so I can't really answer as to whether or not it's possible...but I will say that some people do have very strong loving relationships with their pets

    And there are plenty of people who would gladly shell out $5000 if their pet needed surgery...and pet surgery isn't cheap, I'll tell you that much. Come to think of it, as far as medical bills, pets are possibly more expensive than infants. But don't quote me on that.

    Anyway, my question to you is this: Do you have a pet? Or rather, do you have a mammalian pet? If you do then I guess you know enough to compare. If you don't, then everything you think about this whole comparison is pure speculation, and any conclusions would be just as unqualified as those made by childless pet owners.

    Anyway, I say overall there's no sense in being jealous of this sort of thing. I mean, you love your child, right? And your friends love their pets, right? So if everybody has somebody to love, then why does it matter who loves who more?  

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