
Can people really overcome bad things happening to them by forcing a change in your attitude?

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  1. That's how most people overcome tough obstacles.  They change their outlook on the situation.

  2. I didn't watch the piece on you tube, I'm not a fan of Dr. Laura, but, yes, an attitude change is important for getting over anything.  If someone does not believe they can get over something, they can't do it.  

    If someone is stuck in the mode of being a victim, they cannot move on to become a survivor and then to become a thriver from a situation.  If someone constantly thinks about what happened to them, rather than looking ahead at what they can do in the future and what they can do now -- how they can survive, they stay in the victim mindset.  Thus, they trap themselves.  By changing their attitude and thinking as a survivor about the present and the future, they can overcome the past and move forward.  

    Been there, done that -- and I didn't believe it could happen either, I thought I would always be an abuse victim....but now I am a survivor and becoming a thriver!  I am now looking for a job, no longer having PTSD episodes, and moving on with my life.  While I may not be able to work full time yet, I am moving forward -- something a few years ago I never thought possible when I was having rape and abuse flashbacks at work and overdosed on medications.  It can be done!

  3. It may not be the only thing for everyone but it's the biggest most important step to overcoming anything, you can't overcome anything by keeping the same attitude.

  4. yep

  5. Definitely!

    I only watched a little of the video clip, I also am not a huge fan of this particular author, however she does make a good point.

    I too have gone through quite a lot of stuff in my life, in fact am still living through some of the repercussions of it. I refuse to live the life of a victim though, and look at every single problem and setback as a learning experience rather than a "poor bugger me" experience, and strive to make it better.

    Everybody handles bad things in different ways, and they are entitled to feel what they feel, after all it is THEIR experience. Life does get a lot easier though if you are able to change the way you look at bad things.

  6. Absolutely!

  7. of always have the option how to act and react to something...choose to get over it

  8. it will work for some people, not for everyone

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