
Can people really win prizes on the internet or any where at all.?

by  |  earlier

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I never won anything in my life. Have you?




  1. nope........

  2. I won a clock radio in the 1960s from the local theater.  I entered many constests, sweepstakes as a hobby for several years.  I once won a tiny silver plated dish. On the other hand, my hubby plays the lottery and wins small amounts, enough to buy more lottery tickets, usually.  Once though, he won $ 57, ooo dollars.  After taxes it amounted to 41, 000 and we just used it to pay bills.  We would have been up the creek without it though!

  3. Yes. I won a pair of ski poles, but I was out of the room and they picked another winner.

    My friend won two cars on a radio call in contest.

    Figure this. When a company gives away a car on television, that company gets free advertising worth more than the car. If a thirty-second spot costs $500,000 and a car company gives away a $40,000 to a poor family on Oprah, that company has just saved about $460,000. Companies also donate goods to charities for silent auctions or for drawings.

    Most prizes have a twist to appeal to the greedy and separate them from their money in some way.

  4. Actually I have once, but it was at a video store years ago when they were having a competition where with each rental you get a little lottery ticket thing. I ended up winning a pokemon puzzle book (Yeah!). But alot of the time with internet competitions they are most likely a scam. With the bigger busineses I've seen first hand how they can stage false competitons but generally if it's a legit company (like Coke or Lego for example) they should be legit and have real winners.

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