
Can people still attend a good college if they are homeschooled?

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Can people still attend a good college if they are homeschooled?




  1. Yes, I have a cousin who was home schooled that went to B.Y.U. and majored in Chemical Engineering when he was 16 years old.  He was the youngest person to graduate the year he walked.

  2. If you can get into college with a GED, you can do it after being home-schooled.  Academics is what's important, and so long as you can show that you've met the requirements for high school graduation or a GED, they have no reason not to accept you.

    I disagree with home-schooling, however.  I feel that it causes a child to be socially stunted, and thus unprepared for college on a social level.  While they may be academically capable, they are less likely to "fit in" with their peers.

  3. Yes, indeed.

    Almost all colleges, including the Ivy League, accept homeschoolers.  Many colleges recruit homeschoolers.  Stanford University was the first university to actively seek homeschooled students.

    Here is a list of homeschool friendly colleges:

    One of the ironies of modern high school education is that kids are told they will not be admitted to college unless they "have a high school diploma."  Many kids who are homeschooled begin taking community college courses at the age of fourteen to sixteen, and make a smooth transition to a university.  In addition, there are colleges, including Harvard and Stanford, which do not require applicants to have a high school diploma.

    All the best.

  4. Only if you consider Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Berkeley, MIT, and Stanford to be good colleges :)

    Yes, pretty much any university in the country enrolls homeschooled grads; you just need to qualify, like anyone else.  They may require a different set of admission paperwork (essays, a portfolio, etc.) to gain an understanding of the level of work you can do, but yes.  Homeschooled students get into good colleges.  

  5. Lots of colleges will accept and enroll homeschooled applicants.

  6. Definitely.

    I highly recommend the book "And What About College?  How homeschooling leads to admissions to the best colleges and universities" by Cafi Cohen.  It has lots of great information about how homeschoolers, even unschoolers, can get into good colleges.  Lots of helps with transcripts, diplomas, and such since having quality documents is often the most important part of the college application process.  Check at your local public library, that's where I found this excellent book.  And I'm sure that there are others out there, too.

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