
Can people suggest ideas for a charity teddy bears picnic and toddler toddle?

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I'm arranging a teddy bears picnic and toddler toddle for charity and need some ideas of what and how to arrange stuff.

So far I'm arranging goody bags for the children, best dressed bear competition, bear hunt, and some songs to sing, raffle and face painting.

Not sure what to do if it rains as I was planning to sell tickets in advance and perhaps they would want their money back?, if I don't sell in advance how do I decide how many goody bags to do???? HELP!!




  1. try organising a marquee for the event then you stay out of the rain and the sun????

    were doing a ugly bug ball and a walk a mile for fsids,

    cot death, and were getting the little ones all dressed as bugs and doing our ugly bug mile with the ball afterwards we have got a local business doing food and a penny sweet stall. hope this is help full and have a great day hope the sun shines!!!!!!

  2. hmm right well the activities sound good, have you looked ahead to see what the predicted weather forcast will be for that particular day? if it is raining then you could maybe do it in your own home or see if you can rent a hall somewhere.  think about how many tickets you will be looking to sell and make up more goody bags as some people may have more than one child, or you could ask them to let you know how many children they are going to bring so you can make up the right amount of goody bags. and make sure you note down how many tickets you have sold and how many people are attending. good luck! wish i could come but my daughter wont be born until 18th june!

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