
Can people tell if you steal their wifi?

by Guest64972  |  earlier

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Can people tell if you steal their wifi?




  1. Sort of. You can get a program that can monitor traffic and wireless connections to the router so you can see how many people are accessing the router. The only thing they can really do about it is password protect their connection. If that person isn't smart enough to password protect their connection, chances are they aren't smart enough to monitor internet traffic.

  2. Not only can they tell the Mac address of the device that is using it, but if they enable access logging, they can also tell every website that you have visited there.  I know things about my neighbors that would make them BLUSH!

  3. The only way they can tell is if it is taking longer than usual or that they changed a script.

    Hope This Helps


  4. Definatly Yes they can even get into your shared folders and install Viruses in your computer..

    1st When u connect to unsecure wifi network any one can view your shared files and you are at there mercy

    2nd People usually look there routers network Sitemap every so often and if they see a computer that is not recognized they can block you off or can get your ip and report you to the local authorities

    3rd even in air ports and starbucks where they have free wifi your not safe... if someone has a network virus they can infect your computer intentionally or accidently

    4th connecting you a unsecure wifi is now ILLEGAL and is considerd in california breaking an entry and can land you 5yrs in prison or doing horrible community work

    5th there are solutions such as air cards by At&t, Verizon, Sprint than can offer you that wifi to go such as cell phone tho there are low signal areas but chance of you going to the mountains and expecting internet is a little irrational

    6th as i said above... ask your self this question if you saw your neighbors door unlocked would you go in and make ur self at hoem and use there resources or better yet would you want someone in ur home doing the same in ur house if u left ur door unlocked please NEVER connect to a unsecure wifi acess point.... you will find ur self and a heap of trouble and is it worth it??

  5. Depends on how tech-savvy they are. Or if you're using so much bandwidth it slows their connection down tremendously. If they are tech-savvy, they'll figure it out soon enough. It's quite easy. The average person would have no idea though.

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