
Can people that know about astrology help me?

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okay i'm leo

my rising sign is virgo

my seventh house is empty

it has the sign pieces at the top of the house

i wanna know what does having the seventh house empty mean

does it mean i wont get married or that i'll get divorced

is it good or bad

please help




  1. I have Virgo ascendant, 'empty' 7th house. It doesn't particularly mean anything that if the house is empty, don't worry about it.

    But Pisces on the descendant indicates that Pisceans/Neptunians will gravitate towards you.



  2. You are very independent and you won't allow anyone to boss you around.  The empty 7th house is a warning not to fool yourself that you will be able to be able to abandon yourself to love.  You may have many deep and lasting loves in your life.  Could you live a life without marriage.

  3. it means nothing.

    Astrology is a bunch of BS.

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