
Can people with muscular dystrophy reproduce?

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science assignment, can people reproduce if they have muscular dystrophy? is the woman fertile?




  1. Absolutely. I can tell you this because my mother has muscular dystrophy and her pregnancies with my brother and I were very easy for her. Same with her sister who has the disease. I have muscular dystrophy and have been pregnant 3 times now. There is nothing wrong with the s*x organs in the women with MD but is important to understand that there are many types of the disease. Some women may have a harder time with pregnancy than others depending on the type of MD they have and how severe a case they have. Many women also choose not to become pregnant because there is about a 50% chance of passing it on to the child assuming that their partner does not have MD. You may be surprised but in cases like mine- Muscular Dystrophy does not impact my life very much at all. I date the way way other girls do, I wear the same clothes, I walk, I run, I go swimming, I carry my own groceries, I clean my house... I just look a bit thin, and other than that I'm sure I will be married and have children and chase those kids around in a couple years.

  2. Well, the sperm can still fertilize the egg and so the answer is yes, but help is required for advanced muscular dystrophy.  Artificial insemination might be required.  And a woman with muscular dystrophy could have major problems carrying the baby to term.

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