
Can people with really flat feet be good runners?

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cuz I have really flat feet & I've always sucked at running.




  1. My son has flat feet but is a great runner. He is on hi H.S. cross country team. His podiatrist said it is actually be a runner with flat feet than with high arches. I have normal arches though and I also suck at running LOL go figure.

  2. yeah. You just have to work at it.  

    This is a little off subject but it's actually easier for people with flat feet to find running shoes because they don't have weird arches to have shoes fitted for.

  3. i use to be now not as muchhh

  4. me too and i also suck at running i don't get it

  5. I got flat feet too and i can run like a bat out of h**l ! Just do it ! I also wear wider shoes and never need  scuba gear while swimming like a platypus feet baby ! Give me a h**l yes no joke !

  6. yes, go to ur doc. and get specials shoes

  7. Holy Makarena! It's Bucket Head. Who cares if you can run when you can play such a mean guitar? haha

    Seriously though, my son is flatfoot and always seems to have trouble walking long distances and whenever he walks barefoot down the marble steps it makes such an hysterical, suction sound. He used to go up and down the steps all the time just to make me laugh.  Um but to answer your question... I dunno.

    But my son sure ran fast enough when he felt like it.  Usually whenever I or his Yaya was chasing him.

  8. I don't think so...I can't run wortha darn...that flap flap flap of my feet breaks my concentration.

  9. Sure you can enjoy the sport. You will just need some type of orthotic. Over the counter ones will work okay if your feet aren't that flat.

    Having flat feet isn't that bad,better than having high arched rigid feet, spraining your ankles all the time.

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