
Can people work well together without a leader ?

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Can people work well together without a leader ?




  1. Yes.

    And they do all the time (well, I don't mean every second of everday EVERYONE does -- just that it's common).

    Sometimes what you'll find is that there are leaders for different bits, or at different times, but they hand leadership around, as the task goes on.

    When most participants know what they're doing, they don't need a leader.

    The best leaders aren't dictators -- they listen, and only step in when necessary. If a leader is a good leader, most of the time, everyone's doing their thing.

    But there have been many things done with no leader.

    It's a myth that everyone alwsys need to be told what to do -- it's a very convenient myth for the power-hungry to promote. It justifies their being in charge.

  2. They need at least someone who will supervise and encourage no...

  3. there is a style of management called Laissez -faire which minimizes leaders management in decision making, it only seems to work when people are highly qualified in their role, if not it will lead to poorly defined roles and lack of motivation and lead to confusion.

    Hopes this helps you.

  4. Yes,in my opinion they can if they are of the type of person who have controlled their ego's and have learnt to be self sufficient, in the sas they are taught this vital survival tool, in ordinary life it is only when some idiot decides he wants to be top dog often with detrimental results for the group,that trouble starts.

  5. No,  because people by nature are greedy and someone will eventually want more power than others. That's why communism doesn't work.

  6. By nature people are never satisfied and always want more, so therefore, no. There will always be one person fighting to be leader, so i think you probably need an appointed one, to take charge and direct the others where they'd most be useful. Can you imagine an office without a manager? Or a company without a boss? Be complete chaos.

  7. yes i think people can work without a leader if it is a good team however it is easier if there is a leader so one person is in charge and directs the group but if the team doesnt like them it wont work.

  8. yes its always better if we all work together and are usually in a succes-?

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