
Can pet mice learn there names?

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Can pet mice learn there names?




  1. No. They can learn your voice, though. If you give them food and "sweet talk" them, they will associate your voice with good things and respond to you when you talk to them. You can do the same thing with your smell. Let them sniff your hand, then give them a treat, and in no time, they will love you to death!

    Good luck!

  2. Not sure about their name, but they can definitely learn to recognize your voice. I had a mouse who came out of his little house when I called him out (in the evening of course, as he was sound asleep most of the day).

  3. mine know their names. and i know it isn't my voice they're responding to because i'll say come here and they ignore me but i say freddie freddie and he comes running. lucy responds to crazy mouse but i guess she thinks that is her name.

  4. not sure they can learn ur voice so they recognise hu u r but not there name  

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