
Can photos be transferred from 35mm film on ta a cd?

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Can photos be transferred from 35mm film on ta a cd?




  1. Yes!!! I say go to Snappy Snaps, as they can do anything that you request with your digital photos!

  2. Yes !

    You have to scan the 35mm (negatives) film by yourself or ask a photo lab like Kodak to do it for you.

  3. I bought an Epson flat bed scanner and started archiving my 40 year back catalogue.I started with the pics that were needed immediately, doing odd scans as I had time.It is a long process.Top quality scans for A3+ prints can take from 3 minutes each,plus time in Photoshop now that more can be done than in the darkroom in several weeks per print!!! Commercial CDs are disappointing compared with my own scans,it has been a long learning curve.

  4. It depends on how many you want to do. If it's only a few then it is worth paying a lab to do it. Most photographic magazines will have ads for ones which will do it cheaper than Kodak that others have suggested. If you have a a lot to do, then it is worth getting a slide scanner. These can other be dedicated ones - i.e that scan slides only, but the better ones tend to be expensive. However, this device is available in the UK:-

    Alternatively, some flat bed scanners come with slide scanning capabilities - look at those produced by Epson, for example.

    However, be warned. Slide scanning can be a long and tedious job! I started in 2000 doing a lifetime's collection and have never finished!

  5. Of course! there's a scanner/printer you can get that not only scans photos and docs but also scans photo slides and negs if you have loads you want to transfer. If it's only a few, any photo shop will do it for you

  6. yes, but bring your wallet :D

    can get expensive.

  7. Yes if you take them to a kodak shop or similar place, they will do it for you

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