
Can pilots sleep while plane flying in the cockpit ?

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due to pilot's sleep, the bombay bound plane gone to Goa, thanks for the great escape of passengers..




  1. i guess if they MUST go to sleep they could tell there copilot to take over for them


    they sleep before the flight so they are not tired

  2. Yes, they can.

    Many major airline companies allow the pilots brief naps in the pilot's seat. Most have a strict set of conditions, such conditions may include: plane must be at a non-critical stage of flight, autopilot must be on, flight attendants must be informed of pilot's intention, the other pilot must be fully awake and remain in his seat at all times, etc.

    If all the safety items are considered, the pilot can take a nap of about 20 minutes in his seat in the flight deck.

  3. of course yes bcs there is no traffice.

  4. ITS NOT LIKE FALLING ASLEEP @ THE WHELL. Plane has aito pilot so YES he can sleep if he wants, and the co-pilot will have his back no worrys

  5. It is possible for pilots to sleep in the cockpit while the plane is flying.  Computer technology allows the plane to adjust its own headings and settings based on the navigational signals it receives from VOR vectors and other technologies.

    Really, the only thing that the pilot needs to do is get the plane to and from the runway at the start and conclusion of the flight.

    In reality, the pilots do a lot more, but a plane could take off and land by itself today.

  6. If it's a long international flight, and there are 3 or more pilots/first officers, then yes.  They take turns taking breaks to nap, or do whatever they want.  The rule is there must be 2 people AWAKE in the cockpit at ALL times.

  7. of course they can.  Why  not let all the pilots sleep at the same time?  Sure.  And they can take their nap after they polish off a bottle of vodka and smoke some crack.  only then can they safely fly to your destination.  (while asleep, of course)

  8. That would be funny. what if they missed their stop and fell asleep on the rudder pedal

  9. No there is a pilot and a co-pilot for a reason, the pilot controls half the board, and the co-pilot controls the other half.  Either one of them sleeps and something isn't getting controlled properly.

  10. Oh sure, they do it all the time..

  11. nope

  12. Ladies and Gentlemen, from the flight deck...

    They can't sleep. No, no, no, no, and no.

    Autopilots cannot takeoff and land the plane by themselves. It takes a good deal of programming before they can do that, which is completed by the pilots before and during almost every stage of flight. Sorry, but the autopilot isn't like the ones you might see in movies.

    I have never heard of any pilot sleeping en-route. I have never heard of any rules that allow pilots to sleep en-route. If anything, they would be in serious trouble if that did happen.

    The pilots are responsible for ensuring that the aircraft is fully functional and safe during ALL stages of flight, including cruise. If a pilot or both pilots fell asleep, there could be a major aircraft problem that remains unattended, such as a higher-than-normal oil temperature in the engine, an engine flameout, medical emergency in the cabin, and much, much more. Copilots are there to a.) reduce some workload from the pilot in command and b.) to monitor the pilot in command's operation and awareness of the aircraft.

    Happy flying...

  13. As to my knowledge, each pilot has an assistant. So, yes, he can take a nap.

  14. of course not

  15. Well look at it this way, Can a man take the life of another man? Yes. Are you supposed to? No. Have i ever slept in the cockpit of a commercial aircraft? No. Although pilots may do things such as reading magazines witch may be misinterpreted, But something to the extreme of sleeping will result in termination of you career with the airline. But  if you are on a long haul flight some aircraft with crew rest areas, Such as the Boeing 777. On longer flights there are also more that two pilots. Something not common in domestic flights.

  16. Only if they want to lose their jobs.

    Autopilot is not flawless, and more than one airliner has crashed because of a malfunction with the autopilot.

    Do they sleep?  Probably.  If they get caught or turned in, they're toast.

  17. Yes and they do often, airlines are equipped with auto-pilot where the computer basically flys the plane, there is a pilot and co-pilot on all flights and on long flights its common one with rest while the other monitors everything.

  18. Not legally..... an auto pilot can take off, cruise and land a plane.   to reduce pilot fatigue

  19. yes,  yes,  yes,  they can sleep.  pilots can sleep.  who said piolets can not sleep ?  piolots are also humans,  they can also sleep well.  sorry...sorry.. while flying can they sleep.  yes, they can sleep..if they sleep while flying in the cockpit, they can have the permanant sleep...   what worse is that the pilots are having power to take more along with him.

    generally, sleeping in duty time is a major crime in all places..pilots should be alert and should not sleep..the reasons? it is pointed out by the skyl...i don't want to repeat it.

  20. This is a new thing for me bcoz, I have nevr been in a flight. Up to my knowledge, there will be a co piolet in the plane for assisting the piolet. He may halp him in such nappy time.

  21. oh my gosh, i hope not!  thats like falling asleep at the wheel of a car lol,

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