
Can plants be affected by an estuary?

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wait I just looked wha an estuary is. but what kind of plants can live there. it doesn't mention but can the plants be affected by the saltwater?




  1. Most definitely they can.  An estuary is where fresh and saltwater mix, so the plants living there would have to be tolerate of a variety of salt concentrations.  As the tides change on a daily basis, they can be exposed to more freshwater at low tide (the freshwater source provides more influence) and more salinity (the ocean provides more influence at high tide).  Another factor is where they live within the estuary - closer to the ocean, they'd have to have a higher salt tolerance than those living more "inland" nearer the freshwater source.

    Some good examples of plants form this type of environment are mangroves, pipewort, and a variety of grasses.

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