
Can plants get cancer like animals?

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Can plants get cancer like animals?




  1. only they call it "a harvest"  

  2. i doubt it - might be a possibility but i personally dont think so :)


  3. To quote James Joyce, "Canker is a disease of plants, Cancer one of animals."

  4. Cancer begins as the loss of cell cycle control. There are plant diseases, such as Crown Gall (caused by the bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens) where the plant will loose control of the cell cycle and begin to form tumor-like masses. This is, however, not cancer like is found in animals.

    Animal cells are able to move and migrate. This, for the most part, occurs only during development (except for blood cells and a few others), but the cells in tumors can sometimes break away and move somewhere else in the body forming a new tumor (metastasis). Plant cells are not able to migrate due to the cell wall, so you do not see the spread of tumors in plants.

  5. hhmmmmmm, i dont think they can, there cells are different.

  6. maybe they do, maybe they don't.

    no scienist has discovered that yet.

    so at the mo, nobody knows.

  7. no. they get other diseases (like plum pox) and lots of animals do eat away at some of them (like corn). but they can't get cancer.

  8. yes they can saw it in a biology video, a wheat plant with cancers it was wierd and all like inside out  

  9. interesting question~ google it  

  10. Interesting question.

    As no botanist has ever said that they have found a tumour in a plant then I would suggest the answer is no.

    They do however, have other diseases that spread.

  11. dont think so.

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