
Can poets be teachers and vice versa?

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From Poets’ School, 4th grade.

Encouraging Intellectual Development

by Elaine P

Miss Palmer: Would you help Kenny

with his reading lesson?

Elaine: Sure, I don’t like recess anyway.

M. P.: You are a born teacher.

E: I don’t wanna be a teacher.

M.P.: What DO you want to be

when you grow up?

E: I wanna write poems about Mars.

M.P. You have to be

a poet to write poems.

E: Okay, I’ll be a poet.

M.P.: You can’t be a poet

about Mars. You won’t make

any money. Be a teacher.

(several decades later)

TD: Do you like my new poem?




  1. There's no correlation between these two .

  2. This is it! George Bernard Shaw in Reverse. I really love this poem...


    I wonder if he says that in his sleep!

    Oh, I can't stop giggling!

    You have proven that they can, Elaine. :-)

  4. Money isn't everything!

  5. For every thing there is a season....

    why this is there is no reason,

    glad you're a poet now!

  6. Edit:

    Are you happy not making any money or writing poetry?  Seems like making money and writing poetry is  ''oxymoronic''! lol  Teach more.

  7. no

  8. I'm not TD, but I do like your poem.

    Married to a teacher by the way.

  9. miss palmer saying you cant be what you wanted

    really threw me.

    but maybe it did teach you something.

    i liked the (several decades later) line. lol

    around here i say learning new things is as important

    as keeping your dishes washed. well that also means go wash your dang dish.haha!

    somethings youre just going to have to do

    right along with what you want to do.

    i like these conversation type poems your writing Elaine!

  10. Teachers can be poets, plumbers, carpenters, accountant, doctors, lawyers...

    Of course, poets can be any of those things also.

    So, poets can be teachers, teachers can be poets. They are not mutally exclusive.

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