
Can police enter your backyard without a warrant?

by  |  earlier

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My friends and i were having a barbeque the other night and three officers entered my gated backyard without identifying themselves or asking permission, they didn't show a warrant and when i asked for their names and badge numbers one of the officers threatened me and harassed me and told me to put my pen and paper down, to shut up, and stop being a "little lawyer." We were drinking, breathalyzed, and three of us got citations for underage drinking. I asked a lawyer friend about the situation, he asked a criminal lawyer friend of his and said they probably required a search warrant. I cannot afford a lawyer and i leave for school in another state in a few days. I just need to know if a cop in PA has the right to enter a gated backyard without permission or a warrant. Thank you!




  1. simple basic answer is yes. they do what they want when they want and the state put so much money on training them its close to impossible to get them fired for them taking advantage as a Police Officer.

  2. Yep. All they need is probable cause to enter a premisis. If someone called you in for one reason or another or they knew of the act of underage drinking. They don't need a warrant. Yes. Pennsylvania holds this Probable Cause Law...

  3. Yes - now pay your fine.

  4. OMG.the same thing happened to my question...there were 3 cops that came to my house calling me a s lut wh*re b*tch ect...

  5. Yes they do. Your screwed. =)

  6. Last time I checked the cops can come on your property without a search warrant but the need one to enter the home and search it or search your car unless there is reasonable suspition or cause like a beer can in the line of sight or the smell of weed. They probably saw you and if there is reasonable suspiction or cause they can enter without a warrant. I'm guessing some neighbor's saw you or complained because they know your underage and you were probably making alot of noise which old people hate. lol. When I was 16 I was at a party, luckily I got there like 5 minutes earlier so I didnt drink yet and got off free but the neighbors called the cops so when they got there they had the house surrounded waiting in the fenced in back yard just in case to catch some kids. lol

  7. It doesn't matter if it is in PA or anywhere else. It is a clear Constitutional issue that they need to show probable cause and to announce that to you when they invade your property. Since they refused to give cause they violated your rights and the citations are illegal. They also are guilty of trespassing. It is unlikely the judge will see it your way because many judges are traitors and distinctly anti-american and anti-Constitutional. For some reason they sit there with a gavel instead of jail where they belong for violating oaths to uphold the Constitution.

  8. Why don't you stop being a little whiny lawyer and pay the friggin ticket.

  9. Yes if they have probable cause or reasonable suspicion in your case. You looked under aged so that gave them cause.

  10. Only if they have probably cause that a crime was being committed. They could argue that they could visibly see you and see that you were underage and drinking.  

  11. Cops are out of control in every state. You're really lucky they didn't tase you and plant drugs on you.Cops in Los Angeles shoot people every day and get away with it..Pay your fine and thank God your still alive..Don't shoot me bro.

  12. Yes.  Oops and as it turns out their probable cause is supported by the fact that upon investigation you were in violation.  The lawyer said 'probably' ( and not yes hmmm ) based on your story, in case you had the $ to pay him.  

  13. YES.

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