
Can police in NJ issue a summons while they are off duty or in plain clothes?

by  |  earlier

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i was recently stopped on my bicycle in the borough of my town and i was stopped by a plain clothes officer. he told me i was to go with him without telling me his name nor the reason he wanted me to and he took my friends bicycle and told his buddy to grab my bike. i told the man that he was not allowed to have my bike because it didn't belong to him and he responded with nothing and took my bike. i followed these men down to the police station and there they issued me two summons and did not mention who they were, why they stopped me and pulled me to the station, or what right they had to do this, until after they had served me with my two tickets. i feel that there had to have been a number of violations on their part but i could be wrong. can anyone help?




  1. Officers have full authority 24 hours a day, every day.

    "Off duty" simply means they are not working their scheduled shift.

    I don't understand why they wouldn't identify themselves, or the reason they detained you, but that will have no affect on your charges.

  2. "Can police in NJ issue a summons while they are off duty or in plain clothes?"


  3. yes, they can.  i also think that there's more to this story that you arent telling.  cops will usually identify themselves upon stopping you.  they wouldnt just "take your bike" without giving you a reason or having provocation.

  4. An officer is on duty 24/7, so yes, they can issue you a ticket.

    Your summons should list what violations they charged.  You can dispute the charges in court on the date listed on the summons.

    If you felt their behaviour was inappropriate, you can write a letter of complaint to the chief of police or sheriff, depending on which agency they are will.

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