
Can police really do this?

by  |  earlier

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Im 17 and used to be in a gang but stoped all of that for personal issues. but police and detectives continue to bother me and 1ce while i got arrested last i was 16 and the sgt. took pictures of me which i think is not legal cuz i am underage and everytime they see me on the streets the gang unit always stop and search me even go through my phone can they really do that? Im from New Jersey




  1. cops harassing the **** out of you huh you gotta go along with it i plan to eventually change the way cops act they see a weed leaf on my picture and think im not smart enough to change the entire structure of america the whole worlds gonna know my name eventually cause i plan to educate people about the criminals cops really are

    and people will call me names till i get heard but i promise there minds will change in the years to come

    these cops better be on the look out cause im  gonna get alotta badges taken away from undeserving people

  2. Once people are associated with a gang it is hard to get away from that connection.  I don't see where it would be illegal for them to take pictures of you if you were arrested.  Just abide by the law.  As long as you aren't doing anything wrong they will eventually stop.  This is what happens when you get in with the wrong crowd.

  3. They can photograph you... just as you can photograph them.

    Thats what the media/papparazzi do and they are not breaking any laws (usually)...

    They CANNOT stop and search you without just cause. Next time politely ask the officer what you are being charged with to warrant the search. Video the whole thing if you can... you are allowed to. If they stop you videoing they are violating the law and are unaware of their correct duties as a police officer. Have witnesses.

    We have to stop thuggery like this. Non-violently.

  4. I'm from California and they "JAM" gang members up all the time out here. The main reason they keep bothering you is because you were once a gang member and just because you say your out of the lifestyle it's just "word of mouth" and the officers probably don't believe you. I'm not sure about New Jersey ways of dealing with gangs but in California they jam you up take picture's of you, tattoo's, scar's, birthmark's, ETC and most likely because your a gang member you will be searched and release if you don't have anything on you.

  5. They can take your picture but they can't just harass you like that without probable cause.  If I were you I'd get in contact with an Attorney. You might have a good case to sue the police department.

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