
Can powder baby formula be bad if date on can is not expired?

by  |  earlier

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i have bought nestles good starts before and it was fine and very easy to mix. today i bought 2 cans(after looking through several cans with exp.dates the store seemed shocked)with good experation dates but when mixing it made yellow clumps that i had to work hard with a mixer to get rid of.also it seemed a little greasy looking on surface, baby spitting up like mad and had a gas like crying episode. i called company and was told it should be fine just need to mix better but it has never been like this




  1. The best bet is the way it looks, it it looks bad it probably is bad. I'm sorry you had to go through such a bad experience!

  2. I have never specifically heard of a problem related to formula but I know other canned goods can be changed by storing in extreme heat.  These changes, while not truly being "off", are unlikely to be a good thing.

    Since the company is being evil contact the FDA instead

  3. i would trust your motherly instincts!!!

    if it doesn't look right, don't feed it to your baby. anything could have gone wrong with that batch! i would ring again and persist with the company. tell them it WAS NOT RIGHT and you demand a refund. give  them the batch number (as well as the expiry date) so they can see if they receive any other complaints regarding that particular batch.

    don't take no for an answer :-) it obviously wasn't up to the quality standard. good luck :-)

  4. get a refund. moisture or something somehow got in there. what a crappy store. go to a different one next time.

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