
Can ppl realli have magical powers??

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Can ppl realli have magical powers??




  1. Yes I'll tell ya more if i get powers

  2. the way of a medicine man,would be considered magical.

    when the first settlers came to turtle island, the Europeans had there alchemists and wizardry,and could levitate things at will.

    but then they met medicine men who could do things that were thought impossible,word was sent back over the ocean,and over the coarse of time were thought of as in the way.and the ceramonies were corrupted,and didnt have the true meaning,eventually the some ceramonies were outlawed.the sweat lodge-the sundance-yuweepi-,still practiced mind you,..out of sight.

    so the natives were cut off in many ways. but its still there.  

  3. Depending on what magical is defined as, yes and no.

    Some people have been known to summon up inhuman strength, Through adrenaline and such. Otherwise, turning people into animals, flying, and magic spells and whatnot are not real.

  4. How can I not believe in magical powers when I see someone like you clearly under a spell of delusion?


  6. yes they can my frend emilly dus

  7. I would say People use their  Energy...and Intentions... those two mixed together is what makes the  Phrase "magickal power"

    We all have powers...some just tend to not use them or practice the use of them.

  8. Oh, yes. It is true. Some people can be in two places at the same time. One place they can be in physically and the other place telepathically. This is how mothers know when their child is in danger and call them up on the phone and find it confirmed.

    There are other examples. Simply telepathy is an example, and so is clairvoyance. Edgar Cayce was able to put himself into a light trance and prescribe treatment for ailments in people at a great distance.

    The clairvoyance I have been given as a gift often manifests as insight connected with the person as a parade of events from their past. When they enter a room, I can see and feel a whole number of things about their past which has come right along into the room with them. It is much like a train and the person is the engine and the events and things are cars which the train is pulling.

  9. For something really mundane, like curing a wart on a cow...maybe. And even then that would be a handful of people on the entire planet.

    But who needs to cure a wart on a cow?

    Read about these famous occultists and decide if they could make it work:

    All the occult is good for is s******g up your life. Avoid it.  

  10. Depends on your definition of magic. Some people belief magic to be usage of science in intresting ways which no normal man could possibly think of.

    Some belief magic is magic as in magic, lol, you should get what I mean...the root of magic to them is nothing but magic itself, therefore it is called magic.

    And to others magic is just a means of getting money so magic = $$$

    It is all up to you there could be other ways of interpreting magic but these to me are the more obvious ones...take your pick

  11. not really magical,  but they can have amazing abilities.

  12. no. people can use magic, but i wouldnt say they have powers.

  13. no


    like as already been sai,

    amazing abilities.

    I know a woman who lives close by

    and when babies are young, they can get thrush, a bacteia in the throat.

    Well, she can cure them of thrush


    she can only do it to someone who is sleeping or a baby

    because for some reason you cant watch her do it

    she did it to my cousin

    and his went away.

    My great grandpa could stop bleeding if it wasnt severe

    and my great unccle could take the pain from a burn.

    its weird,

    is it not?

  14. No, never. God has super natural power that he has never loaned out. Humans are just puny bits of flotsam.

  15. Sure ppl can. However people cannot. Sorry to burst your bubble. D:

  16. hahah. no.

  17. There is nothing very 'magickal' about manipulating energy and mass, which is what 'magick' is all about. The thing about magickal powers is that most of the things that people used them for, or wanted to use them for, in ancient times aren't very relevant today. Its much easier, and less hassle, to use GPS and basic tracking skills to hunt game or search for water rather than spending several hours gathering up enough energy to 'guide' you to it.

    Also, the thing with magickal powers, that most people forget about, is that even if you did have magickal powers, you wouldn't be any different than you are now. There would be people with more power than you, including many you didn't like, and many people with less power than you, again the same. Its like being an athlete: there's always somebody better than you and being around them means your just as ordinary as someone else who isn't an athlete.

    Its never about how much power you have but what you are able to do with the power you've got.

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