
Can pregnancy cause tooth pain?? i need some help with this one..more details inside!?

by Guest66805  |  earlier

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ok ever since i got pregnant i started having tooth pain which ive never had before so for the first ever time i went to the dentist and had some xrays and the dentist said at first i must be pulling his leg cause my teeth were extreamly healthy and he said he couldnt see anything wrong.....then he found a tiny hole in one of the teeth and the begining of a hole in another so i got a filling and a fissure seal..he said he doubted i'd ever need dentist work again as my teeth were so strong and healthy...but since that appointment it seems like every tooth in my head at one point has given me pain....not severe or anything but just an annoying little pain..ive always used sensodyne and i cant figure out why im having these weird little pains if the dentist was so convinced i'd never have anything wrong again.....surly holes cant just appear this quick i only had xrays on all my teeth 5 weeks ago!! whats going on please help!!! ive stoped eating anything sweet and i only drink coke zero with a straw shoved right at the back of my throat so im not even provoking them or anything!




  1. Pregnancy can cause some of the oddest things. When I was pregnant with my first child I had tail bone pain so severe that sitting was totally an agonizing experience for almost the entire pregnancy. After he was born it went away. With my daughter suddenly I couldn't breath out of my nose, my entire upper teeth hurt like I had every tooth infected. I thought I must have the worse sinus infection ever. I even went so far as to refuse to nurse because I thought I had to go to the doctor for help with being able to breathe. Not long after she was born my problem went away without medication. Found out later that pregnancy can cause inflammation in your mucus membranes.  It wasn't my sinuses or my teeth.  I was totally miserable my whole pregnancy and hopefully your close to having your child otherwise I have been were you are.  As long as your teeth look good, no puffy gums it probably is the same thing. I used Afrin which my doctor told me I could use. Helped me breathe but I got horribly addicted to this and had to use saline for weeks after to get over that.

    I seriously am not trying to frighten you but wanted to share my experience in case this is what is happening to you.

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