
Can prenatal Vitamins help one conceieve?

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I was wondering i see sometimes in differnet online pregnancy test that they ask if the person is takong prenatal vitamins, i want to know does that give a person a better chance to conceive?




  1. i had a miscarriage in dec 07 and my doctor told me to keep taking my prenatsl vitamins while trying again he said it gives my body all the vitamins it needs

  2. No they help keep your baby healthy once you have conceived.

  3. I've been taking a prenatal vitamin and been TTC---mainly because of the folic acid.  I'm not sure it helps you conceive, but it sure doesn't hurt.  You could also just take a multi-vitamin and folic acid.

  4. Yes they can....if you have a gene mutation called mthfr...yes it looks like a dirty word...mthfr is a gene that causes some people not to probably absorb folate, some women have to be on folic acid and prenatals before they can hold a viable pregnancy...

    BUT the reason why most sites ask that question is because folic acid is used in early pregnancy and can make a healthy baby!..but usually for normal pregnancies being on vitamins first don't help you become pregnant...

  5. Not directly, no.  But they will make you healthier, which may help you some.  They are taken as you TTC to make sure all the vitamins the baby will need are there when you conceive.  

    And they WILL NOT cause a false positive.  They contain vitamins, not hormones.  

    Best of luck to you!

  6. Having the proper nutrition and taking a prenatal vitamin supplement decreases your risk of a miscarriage and having a baby with malformations.

    Women are advised to take so-called "prenatal vitamins" before and during pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins are specially formulated multivitamins that supplement a diet and often make up for any nutritional deficiencies in the mother's diet.The following are recommended supllements in pregnancy:

    The most important ingredient in prenatal vitamins is folid acid, a B vitamin. Folic acid can reduce your risk of having a baby with a serious birth defect of the brain and spinal cord, called the "neural tube." In order to be effective, folic acid must be taken at least 1-2 months prior to conception. Because about half of all pregnancies are unplanned, the U.S. Public Health Service recommends that all women of childbearing age get 400-600 micrograms of folic acid each day. In fact, the FDA now requires that all flour products -- such as breads, buns, and bagels -- be fortified with extra folic acid. A woman who has had a prior child with a neural tube defect should discuss the appropriate dose of folic acid with her doctor before her next pregnancy. Studies have shown that taking a larger dose (up to 4,000 micrograms) at least one month before and during the first trimester may be beneficial.

    Iron helps both the mother and baby's blood carry oxygen.

    While a daily vitamin supplement is no substitute for a healthy diet, most women need supplements to make sure they get adequate levels of these minerals.

  7. No, they don't. They help the baby form and supports the right hormones and whatnot for the best possible intruterine enviroment. But taking them can cause hormone levels to change, and may give you a false positive. Folic acid is the best thing to take when ttc. Good luck!

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