
Can prenatal vitamins help out the process of trying to get pregnant?

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Me and my husband are trying to have a baby we have been trying for about 6 months now and I was thinking should I take prenatal vitamins? Will it help this process out? and if yes where can i get them?




  1. It will not help get pregnate but it will help lay healthy cells for when you do the baby has a healthy start

    take lots of folic acid

  2. pre-natals can boost fertility.herbs are also very good to improve your chances,not just for women, but men too should be taking them when ttc.a man should take a high dose of zinc(60mg),vitamin c(1000mg)vitamin e(800 iu),distilled fish oils(not cod liver oil)b complex that includes b-12,selinium,co-enzyme-q10 and a good multi-vitamin.these can increase a mans volume of sperm to very large amounts.if you live in the uk,asda is a good place,or any health store will sell these

  3. i doubt it because all its only vitamins which women need to take because once theyre pregnant the baby takes alot of your nutriants...but i dont know....but you can buy them at walmart for like 20 bucks and try cant hurt to try???

    you can try going to to see when youre ovulating it really helped me

  4. They will not help you become pregnant. But it is highly recommended to take them if you are trying to become pregnant, especially folic acid.

  5. Not really the pills only help a formed baby get the nutraints it needs just track ovalation and have s*x when the signs show your good to go! good luck wish you the best!!!!!!!!

  6. Yes you need to take prenatal vitamins if you are TTC or atleast take folic acid supplements but this will NOT help in getting pregnant.

    Just try and detect your ovulation days and have s*x around that time...thats all you need to do.

    Good luck.

  7. I've heard that taking prenatal vitamins can help when trying to conceive. Check out I think they have some for cheap.

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