
Can prince william marry kate middleton?

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coz i thought prince william can only marry someone who has royal blood. and isn't kate a commoner? bt im not sure though. correct me if im mistaken. thanks. :)




  1. Someone who's mother is worth 30 million pounds is anything but a commoner. As to above comments about royals marrying commoners, none of the British have been commoners. You forget nobility is not commoner breed, and Princess Diana, etc. were nobility. They may have been lower level nobility, but nobility nonetheless. In the past, royals did not have to marry royals, but they did have to marry nobles, and some commoners may have been granted honorary noble titles to accomodate this.

    The last time a sitting British monarch married a commoner, he was forced to abdicate and considering his pro-n**i sympathies that was a good thing.

    Also, she will NOT be Queen. She will be Princess, in the same manner that Queen Elizabeth's husband is Prince, not King.

  2.  These discriminations were there at the time when there was no education and people who are said to be the commoner were living in very very pathetic situation. In the entire world wealth was just only in the hands of Royal families and no one else.   

    But now it is altogether a change world where every one earns well and is living a happy life. Now these concepts should be changed that a member of a royal family can only marry another Royal family. So it is very nice initiative by the prince and at the end by the Queen.

  3. William has to have the permission of the Queen to marry anyone, royal, blueblood or commoner. It is more a traditional decree and not truly required any more for him to eventually ascend the throne. No royal is now required to marry another royal or someone of the nobility. There aren't enough of them any more.

  4.  yeah but who cares the bible states Caesar is our only king.  So taken write out of that line anyone reading that bible in english probably so human speaking english probably knows at one time or other they were part of that "Our" crowd, or mob, and thus that Roman mob probably gonna find a way to start another war, say using jews or germans, maybe even one of their North African provinces.  Egypt perhaps, so expect a war, perhaps that Argintina thing and UK participation in various wars arond the world is because every time a Brittish Prince things he is gonna be King, the PPOL(being of foreign birth) of england probably be pulled into war.  Comments on the comments?

  5. Prince William is a commoner thru his Mother and her mother going back only 6 generations I should know I am Diana,s mother 4th cousin not removed and I am a very nice polite commoner.    Guest A

  6. prince william is very lucky to have a lady like kate middleton. she is gorgeous. i love her engagement ring beautiful

  7. Diana was a blue-blood.  If you go back 400 years her family is directly related to the Royals.  Charles did not marry a commoner, for one thing she had the title Lade Diana Spencer b/c of her heritage.  Kate is a commoner and should not be marrying William just the same a Camillia.  But is happens.  They break they own rules and make their own.  Like Camilla can never be Queen but Kate can.  Thank goodness. 

  8. when william marrys a virgin royal from the royal house then he is bestove a king title for bring future royals in the house of royal...In keeping with the laws he is giving grandom of his birth title because of his forsight in marrying virgin blueblood which makes him first to the crown with power.....marrying middleton has lessen him to trh wiliam alone with removal of his position like his father for marrying a non royal second wife...notice his father has to pay for everything camilla want in order for her to be by his side on certain royal events and her daily lifestyle..diana was giving royal rights and  grandom from her birth title of lady diana....charles  had a high wealth and grandom for marrying royal blueblod to insure the future heir rights and money royal way...Now william has to do what his father does for his current title from his birth and no children with kate middleton will every gain way to the royal sophie and consort merit from norway...both woman are concider never to be crown royal such as consort mary of demark , consort marie of demark these royal do not have real royal enstatements,usual the queen that gave birth to the norway prince is  paying to keep her son around unlike queen of england grandmother  for the trh winsor and his consort  wallace simpson..............

  9. car wreck what is it with some of you people are you all off of your head. if it wasnt for the royalty we wouldnt be where we are now, and for william and kate who knows but i hope it works for them just like any other couple

  10. Well this marriage looks like it's going to be a car wreak waiting to happen... at least it should be entertaining, but yeah... the royals should all get the guillotine.

  11. Marrying the occasional commoner is also helpfull to prevent the problems associated with inbreeding.

  12. Poor b***h,lay down with dogs get up with fleas.

  13. An intervention must be had....Princess Diana in her own right was a descendant of the British Royal Family and her house the Spencer's were a minor noble house. As for royal's marrying only royal's most people think that what is a commoner is a long time noble branch of royal descent. As for Kate Middleton, her lineage is unknown to the public and she might be a commoner or of some small noble family. What is clear is that all the Royals of Europe are trying to look as if they are just one of the common as they sip their tea and smile for all the photographers. The truth is the Royal families should be stripped of all titles and rights and some should even be investigated for the crimes they have done against all of humanity! Down with the Royals!

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