
Can probiotics help in the treatment of h pylori bacteria? This would be taken with the prevpac.?

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Can probiotics help in the treatment of h pylori bacteria? This would be taken with the prevpac.?




  1. No, probiotics help colonize the colon.  H-pylori is an infection of the stomach.  Very few bacteria in the world can live in the stomach, and H-pylori is one of them.  If "prevpac" is the triple/quad therapy from your doctor, the you're on your way.  If not, go to the doctor.  Pepto is one of the best things you can take along with omemprozole (priolosec).

  2. Viper is correct in the sense that probiotic pills {emphaisis on pills} will not cure/effect H. Pylori, and indeed such pills only colonise the intestines. However Viper's knowledge is limited to what alternative medicine has to offer.

    Kefir will kill the H. Pylori, Kefir is a yoghurt-type probiotic drink. It is made at home, all you need is milk {preferably organic or raw organic} some kefir grains, and a glass kilner jar. See the links below more for information:

    'A 2000 study led by Dr. Chitra N. Wendakoon of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, found that fermented milk products, like yogurt, can kill Helicobacter pylori (the ulcer causing bacteria) but that the beneficial bacteria alone cannot. This means that probiotics in pill form would have no effect on H. pylori but that homemade yogurt and Kefir would.'


    A scientific research paper on this can be found here:

    Consider also supplementing Colloidal Sillver, 3 tablespoons per day.

    Also drink alkali water, by adding 1/2teaspoon of baking soda to every litre of filtered water you drink.

    Source: Mr. X Acne ebook

    I have recently started kefir making, i reccommend you join the Yahoo Kefir Making Group, they are very helpful and may send you the grains, since you cannot buy them anywhere. Some people sell Kefir Grain on ebay for a small fee, compared to what they are worth, and considering they last a lifetime if you use them correctly.

    Hope this helps.

    P.S. Kefir should not interact with any drugs you take for H. Pylori.

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