
Can processed rice be used as material to create recyclable CDs and DVDs?

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So much plastic gets used for optical discs. Can rice or other organic material be used to create more earth-friendly disc least for short term use?




  1. I don't think so.

    Now you would be really able to burn a disk :-)  

  2. Unlikely, as the disc has to be transparent, so the laser can read the image off of it, from the master. The foil is just there to fire the laser back to the player.

    Maybe sugar instead of rice, like the breakable sugar glass in some movies. Transparent, can hold a solid form, yet the crystal molecules might produce some ill laser reading effects, and your hands would get all sticky from handling a sugar based media.

    Not to mention melting points, and ants in your player...ICK!

    Good thought though...

  3. let's hope so..

  4. The IPCC tried to rip/burn/copy Led Zeppelin's Presence album on a CD made entirely of rice.  It turns out that halfway through Achilles Last Stand, the CD turned into puffed rice and blew up.

  5. actually that medium is dead any way. no body i know even buys cd's any more. dvd's should be next to go. mp3's are earth friendly

  6. You're joking, right?

    You know what the technology is behing CDs and DVDs?

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