
Can protein cause unwanted weight gain?

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basically i just got into mixed martial arts and wanna start taking protein extra 40-50g/day for muscle recovery, etc .. now i model for a living (pays for college so hold your comments please) so basically i can't lose my 6 pack

i generally only take the protein after a hard workout but wanted to know if this can cause some unwanted weight gain? its only 240cal but i don't know how the protein itself acts in terms of weight gain

advice please?




  1. Anything consumed in excess of what the body truly needs is stored as adipose (i.e., fat) which begins accumulating around ones waist first.

    Protein powders have been associated with retaining excess water weight and giving one a smooth look.

  2. Any food except water can cause weight gain if eaten to excess. Protein is actually better at promoting weight loss than gain if eaten in moderation ( 8 to 12 ounces a day). Just make sure you eat skinless chicken, turkey or fish. Egg whites are also low fat sources of protein.

  3. No No No. It will not cause you to gain weigh, well maby muscle weight. But if you work out your abs really good before you take it it will actually make them bigger faster then without, and stronger, they will look much better. But if you dont work out then you will gain weight.

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