
Can protestant children have god parents/ do protestants get christened?

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My partner is a protestant and he says no, I would like to have my child christened but he says only catholics do that?




  1. **** religion. They're just born and you'd put them in cubicles already ?

  2. We are Methodist and we have "infant baptisms"

  3. Christians who are Protestant do baptize their children, however their beliefs regarding baptism are very much different from that of Christians who are Catholic.

    We, as Catholics, believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.  The Catholic Church teaches that, when we are baptized either as infants or adutls, we become Catholic Christians.  Confirmation is the sacrament of initiation to "renew" our baptismal vows.  This is, essentially, our version of being "born again."

    There are some Protestant churches that do baptize infants as well, though some baptize when the child is older.

  4. Lutherans are also protestants and they have infant baptism and God parents. Baptists do not believe in infant baptism. It  really just depends on the denomination and your personal beliefs about infant baptism because they ceremony to announce the God parents of the baby is also the baby's baptism.

  5. Many protestant religions christen babies. Methodists for example christen babies and then have the children confirm their faith during adolesence.  There is nothing wrong with a protestant christening. Some do not do it though. The Church of Christ does not christen babies because they believe that people have to be old enough to decide that they want to be baptized.

  6. I was baptised with the same holy spirit you were, give it a break.

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