
Can psychedelic mushrooms get old and dangerous?

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Lets say someone found shrooms from a year ago, are they still safe to eat?

Please no dumb answers, like "dont do drugs" ....its too late for that!

But I would like to know if anyone has any knowledge in this area




  1. oh. they still work.

    but, they are not as "strong"

    okay along with this great answer i have to make it kind of dumb (to protect my conscience) please don't do drugs.


  3. Yea.  If they get moldy they can be really really deathly.  And just so you know, pick your own shrooms because a lot of dealers don't know what they're selling.  Some shrooms are good, but some are too easy to O.D. on.

  4. Yes they can be dangerous.

  5. Mebbe weaker but not bad unless they aren't majick or they got some secondary fungi on them.  Have fun and Good Luck!!

  6. It depends on how they were stored. If you dried them and then put them in a plastic bag inside your freezer, they are still okay and safe. In fact, almost nothing could have happened to them. If they stayed moist all this time, especially if they were out in the open somewhere, I would highly recommend staying away. So mostly it depends where you found them.

    Feel free to add details so I can answer the question a little bit better.

  7. If they're dried they're perfectly fine to eat. As long as there is no mold growing on them it's okay. If they weren't completely dried (so they crack when bent) they may not be as potent as fresher ones though.

  8. i personally wouldn't eat them from a year ago.

    mushrooms that have been properly dried and stored can last a long time, though.  but a year is a long time.

  9. No they expire like any other product. Their shelftime from being picked can be anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks, but thats it.

    Although they are not dangerous, they are sterile and rather pointless to eat since... they don't taste great and wont give you a high

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