
Can pubic hair turn gray?

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Can you dye it?!




  1. Yes and yes.  

  2. Well, it's hair, so I'd asume so. It's no different from the hair on your arms or legs.  

  3. Probably......but then again....everything starts to hang when you are THAT old...

  4. Yes you can dye are slow!

  5. Absolutely!!!!  Im not sure how old you are, but this has noting to do with the aging process (dont let others bother you by this).  I got my first grey public hair when I was 21, YES, it was only first now couple years later I have 3.  But Im say you can do 1 of 2 things to prevent this from occurring.

    1) Dye them - This can be a pain in the butt, and will need continuous touch-ups.  But its effective

    2) Wax/Shave - I personal do this one.  This is very effective.  Its very s**y looking.  You dont have to see, therefore, you dont have it.  This is perfect solution for the girly girl.

    I hope this helps!

  6. HAHAHAHAHHA!!! THIS IS FUNNY! Star for you


  7. yes and yes

  8. Ask grandma.

  9. yuck!!!!!!!! i dont have pubic hair down there only peach fuzz idk y is it cuz im blonde??

  10. why wouldnt it be able to turn gray lol any yea it can and yes it's dyeable  


    Yep you can color it, or do what ever you like to it!! It is yours!!

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