
Can public transportation automobiles get traffic or parking violations?

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Like buses or trolleys, lol. What about school buses, can they get parking violations or traffic violations because I've ridden a few and they run yellow/ red lights sometimes. Thanks, just out of curiosity on the way from work today.




  1. In general, yes, although how that's handled varies.  The police can pull a bus over and issue the driver a ticket, but I also know of cities where if the officer doesn't think the violation is causing an imminent risk of a crash, they'll simply write a ticket and forward it to the transit agency.  Since public transit drivers can and do get fired for multiple driving infractions, my assumption is that the driver's responsible for paying the fine, not the transit agency.

    Of course what counts as a traffic violation is different for buses than for other vehicles.  People in a car can't get a ticket for not stopping at a railroad crossing when the arm's up - but a bus driver can.  On the other hand, in some jurisdictions buses have legally binding yield signs attached to the back of the bus, essentially making you at fault for failure to yield if the bus cuts you off pulling out of a bus stop.

  2. Of course.  They can and do get citations.  All vehicles on the roads must follow traffic ordinances.

  3. yes, just because they are public service doesn't exempt them from the law. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, NOT ME NOT YOU, NOT OBAMA!!!!, OR OBAMA'S MAMA!!!

  4. lol i never seen it but chicagos city transit should get thousands of tickets from my experience lol

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