
Can puppy get parvo if never been outside?

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I just got a 6 week old puppy that I know for a fact has never been outside, except on my patio. Is it possible for puppies to get parvo even if they have never been outside and their mom has not been around any dogs that have it or in any other yard?




  1. Parvo is so contagious that it can be brought home from anywhere dogs or others with dogs have been.

    going to the grocery store or park can contaminate your shoes.

    Shoes can be sterilized before entering your property by using a spray bottle with 1/30 bleach solution. That's one part bleach to thirty parts water.

  2. Parvo is not airborne. It's only transmitted through dogs. Your dog has to basically digest it from an infected stool of another dog. Your puppy could step in another dog's infected poo l**k it's paw and get it that way.

    Here is a perfect website to review so you have the right facts.!!!!!!!!!

    Oh to avoid parvo or any infectious diseases from dogs have your vaccines always current!!!

    Seriously come on it cannot seep through window cracks. Geese people. Really.

  3. Yes it is possible even if she hasn't been outside because it's airborne and it can come thru windows doors or even little cracks and Provo need medical attention quick.

  4. Sure can, you can bring it home on your clothes or shoes even.

  5. Yes, it is an airborne virus just like the flu. However it is unlikely. Usually if the mother's shots were up to date, the puppy will have her immunity til 7-8 weeks of age.

  6. is your patio not outdoors?  geez.  IT'S BEEN OUTSIDE.  why do you have a 6 week old puppy?  it should still be with it's mother.  call the vet tomorrow.

  7. It is highly contagious BUT it does not mean that a puppy will get it if in contact with it.  It depends on it immune system (at 6 weeks the immunity it got from it's mother)

    I do not vaccinate my puppies for anything, I use EIS type Colloidal silver (electrically made) in the puppies water as a preventative when young and have Parvaid on hand and a supply of CS on hand ready made in case it is needed.  I raw feed and this helps keep the immune system up.  I also have homeopathic remedies and I use Australian Bush Flower Essences to help if they are ill.

    But behaviour wise the pup would have needed to be with its mother and siblings to help it learn to get along well with other dogs and help keep it's immune system up.  My ***** nursed her puppies till 13 or 14 weeks of age (till they left to go to their new homes) though at the end it was not often as they had been on raw meaty bones at 3 weeks (at first ground and later at 4 weeks smashed and soon they were eating the wingetts with out being smashed and gnawing on veal bones :o)))

  8. You can bring it in on the bottom of your shoes and never know where you picked it up.Any one with a young pup or a litter should have a spray bottle at there front door of bleach & water or Parolan,anyone coming into that house should spray the bottom of there feet.Specially this time of year when it is so easy to spread.Tilks Mom

  9. Yep, you can bring it home on your clothes, shoes etc.

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