
Can question at all be asked about his majesty Tiger Woods without someone getting fired?

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Apparently woods is such royalty being the first black super golfer he is beyond the ordinary questioning of pro athletes. I think he is a great guy and a wonderful golfer but apparently he a sacred cow in the golf world.




  1. Well, I'm not sure where you're from but it's generally considered to be in poor taste (putting it mildly) to "joke" about lynching a black man in America.  I wouldn't suggest you try it.

  2. I guess the part that makes this all the more ridiculous is that Tiger's actually more Asian-American than any of the other multiple parts of his lineage. He readily admits he's multi-racial. Yet blacks have called him their own, likely because he has some amount of black in his heritage and because he is so darn good. But for Kelly's comment (and now Dave Seanor issue, the former GolfWeek editor) to be elevated to it's current level shows a much deeper problem in America... being overly sensitive to a minority group; it's a door that swings only one way.

    Are blacks in America offended by  sentences containing "lynching' or "hanging"? Of course they are, and justifiably so. Are they the only people in America who were hung from a tree? Of course not... cattle rustlers and horse thieves (guilty or not) received the same punishment. Hanging was a common form of the death penalty in America for a long time.

    When morons like the kids in Jena hang nooses, they should be punished... it was malicious and meant to offend (unlike Kelly and Dave's use); but they're all gonna pay the piper for voicing their thoughts and opinions. What's happened to Freedom of Speech in America? It's OK for some idiot (white, black, or any other race) to play his rap music so loud I can hear it through my closed windows 4 cars away at a stop light, but Kelly Tilghman can't say the word "lynch". The silent majority in America better start paying attention to how political correctness is eroding their personal rights as Americans, before it's too late.

  3. Tiger didn't get shook, but i knew Kelly had stepped on her


  4. You sound jealous.

    get over it.

    WOODS didnt' ASK that this issue be taken further,. The edItor was a j=****. and yes he should have been fired and yes, I am white, but NOT jealous.

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