
Can racing/driving ability be taught or is it just a "Natural" talent?

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To be sucessful? Just wonderin what your thoughts were? Thanks!




  1. Hi Dave!

    I think for the truly Great Drivers it's God Given Talent!  It's kinda like some are ok, at some stuff, some are good, then some are GREAT!  Thats a God Given Talent!  We can be taught so much, but when it's talent its Gosh Almighty Great!  lol

  2. Hey Dave!

       I have to go with a combination of both. I think there has to be a raw talent there. In racing, it's a natural talent to know the feel of the wheel, the handling of the car, the feel of the engine all kinds of things. The basics I guess...

       Then given the knowledge of a good teacher, all these skills can be polished and fine tuned into a very successful driver. There are a lot of "old school" guys out there who are willing to pass on their knowledge to others willing to learn. Racing is like any other profession, it takes, skill, talent and a lot of fortitude. Once in awhile you'll get a driver who "thinks" he knows it all and won't  listen to anyone but in the end, the natural talented drivers end up being the best of the best.

      Have a great day all! Peace n Smiles =o~}

  3. it's like playing the guitar or doing physics problems - some people need years and years of practice just to be good, and then still need to work and give 110% to stay good enough, and others are just born with it naturally.  those who have the talent naturally who continue to hone the skills usually end up being "the best."  i don't know that the "racedriver mentality" of running out on the bleeding edge without giving it a second thought can be taught.

    a little oversimplistic, but close enough for government work.

  4. It takes both.

    A driver needs to have that natural talent already, but can learn how to be even better.

    I guess if a driver has no natural ability they could still be succesful, it would just take more time for them to be taught, and they probably wouldn't be as good as naturally talented drivers.

  5. natural talent

  6. There are definitely things that can be learned but the great drivers have something in them that cannot be taught to others.  Dale Sr. was said to have a sense of what the air was doing around him and that he could in a way "see" the draft in the restrictor plate races.  Kyle Busch has an uncanny knack for driving an extremely loose race car and is capable of making saves that seem impossible to most.  Tony, Denny, Jeff and Jimmie have a way of making impossible passes look routine at times and that comes from some sort of natural ability.  You can take a good driver and make him better from tests and seat time but nobody will ever be considered one of the best without having those qualities that are just a part of who and how they are.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  7. Certain techniques can be taught. Like when to accelerate, how to diamond the corner, etc. But as far as just raw talent, I think it comes natural.

  8. 100%


  9. I think when its comes to my boyfriend/fiance it comes natural from his dad. :) whom is in nascar!

  10. It can be taught, but the natural talent inside is what's going to turn them lessons into Championships, and winning the big races.

  11. You ask a question that I have to think about at this hour??

    I think for the most part it's something that is natural, I think some people have it and some don't.

    Kinda like singers, some of them were just born with the ability to carry a tune, others had to learn it. And those who were born with the ability and worked at perfecting their skill, are just better at what they do. ie. Whitney Houston, born with the gift, Britney Spears, not.

    Kinda the same thing.

    *it's all good, just had to give you a hard time, and thanks, now if only his brother could get a couple, Pocono and Michigan repeats, maybe?*

  12. Takes both. The ones with natural talent turn out to be the great ones, though--they're always going to have the edge.

  13. It has to be both, certainly natural ability aides in the learning department but it is a desire to do it that is most important.

  14. Having the ability to focus I would think is a natural gift (talent).

    I don't think they can all focus. Seems like some of them make some really crazy mistakes at times.

  15. I think it takes both...You gota have the feel,then the proper training will put you in the right direction...

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