
Can random chance happenings produce intelligence?

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Can random chance happenings produce intelligence?




  1. If you have ever played chess with a computer program you will see something that appears to be very intelligent (the program) which makes use of random chance- The program works by testing thousands of possible chess moves  very rapidly at random and then considering all the possible responses to each move. Good programs can look several moves ahead although they have no consciousness.   Evolution works something like this.   Living things tend to produce more offspring, than there are resources available (food and water and in the case of plants, sunlight)  for them to grow and reproduce.  Every random mutation is a test. Those mutations which are useful in their environment tend to survive and reproduce.  For purposes of evolution, intelligence is no difference than any other characteristic.

  2. no, not intelligence but instead we are adaptable to each form of changes.

  3. Natural selection did but there is nothing random about it.

  4. It doesn't make sense. Science absolutely cannot explain the origins of life, and especially the origins of consciousness.

  5. Scientists claim that the human brain evolved over many many years. The animals with the smarter brains lived on while the animals that weren't that smart perished. so only smarter and smarter creatures survived producing more smarter creatures which eventually produced our brains.

    The  origin of life  is a mind boggling question i believe it didn't happen out of a bang that happened out of nothing but an infinite creator seems weird to i can understand not ever having an end but i can't fathom never having a beginning but still existing maybe that's possible on another plane of existence. Either there are multiverses and our universe just happened to have the right conditions or their is intelligent design involved. Everything is just to perfect for life (gravity, temperature, asteroids,light atmosphere etc) To be random but if there are billions of other universes with random conditions then of course probability teaches us that at least one universe (ours) would be just perfect for life. But if there was no life in the beginning then how can life sprout from nothing? This contradicts Science's notion of cells come from pre-existing cells. Well i guess it's a question for the ages. Good luck on searching for enlightenment.

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