
Can ravens or crows actually kill a living human-being? or peak them to death?

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^^' AHAHAHA...yea i know it sounds REALLY stupid, but i was watching a few shows and i was wondering if ravens/crows can actually kill someone and is it in their nature to kill someone or attack them?




  1. Ravens and crows have the ability to finish off a very nearly dead animal (and presumably humans), but they are incapable of actually killing anything bigger than perhaps a mouse (and that would be pushing it).

    Their beaks are not designed for attack, more for probing and pulling meat apart etc, and their feet and legs are very weak.

  2. jungle crows killed a guy somewhere in rural asia..

  3. yes ravens peak humans and elephants to death

    and jellyfishes rawr

  4. They are omnivors..scavengers if you will.  If they happend upon a human that was incapacitated, then sure...they are opprotunistic feeders.

  5. No, you've been watching too many Hitchcock movies LOL  You are probably to young to know what I'm talking about but if you ever get the chance to watch the move "The Birds" .... I was freaked out by crows for a long time after seeing this movie as a kid.

    These birds will attack if you get close to their nest and it might hurt a bit but that's about it.

  6. I don't know man, but I was walking down the street one day, and this woman was getting out of her car with her baby, when like 4 crows (or ravens...big black birds) came out of no where and landed all around her and started to caw at her......they sounded vicious man....I was worried they might attack her.....the woman was trying to get into her house, and everytime she took a few steps the birds would caw even more....the lady was really hesitant, but finally just clutched the baby to her chest, hunched herself over and ran for her door..... I'm sure the crows probably just had a nest nearby or something and were being territorial......but it was crazy.

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