
Can really bad yeast infections make you sterile? ?

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I heard that it could happen so I was just wondering. I've had a really bad yeast infection for a long time and didn't know it and it kept coming back and the doctor just keeps giving me more medicine for it. Not to be gross but I have itching and accumulations of white stuff on my inner lips and its really red (almost bruised or scared looking) with small white dots on it. I went online and something called lichen sclerosis kind of sounded similar to that. (they say it can be mistaken for yeast infections sometimes) but I'm just 16 and they say that usually happends to older people. does anyone know anything about this? Please help!!




  1. I am a CCMA

    If it goes untreated yes it can.. It can cause PID Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.. You should see a GYNO to rule out any STD's

  2. You can't become sterile because of a yeast infection. If what your doctor is doing doesn't seem to be fixing the problem ask to see a gynecologist. If you are seeing one already maybe go see a different one. A second opinion will help.

    It's normal to have a little bit of white on your inner lips and there are glands around there that look like tiny little bumps under your skin. The redness however sounds like it's because your skin is irritated by the yeast.

  3. uh....

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