
Can repressed issues from childhood affect a person as an adult?

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Such as s*x drive problems, violent fantasy? what if a person can only be "turned on" by violent thoughts- would that be a sign of big problems or common? If s*x has no connection to actual love. What if the closer you are to a person, the less sexual you are? then the guilt of feeling like a "freak"? If a person you are with only seems to be arroused by images of semi-violence, like why do some guys like vids of catfights? Is that guy (or gal if it happens to them too) a weirdo, and should I tell them to go see a counselor even though they are shy about it and utterly ashamed.




  1. Most men like a cat fight only because men aren't used to women acting aggressively so it's viewed as attractive in action type of way. Playful pretend like violence is normal,but if anyone actually gets hurt that should be a turn off. So if two girls are fighting and it's more like wrestling then it's normal for this to be a turn on,but anyone who is turned on by anyone getting seriously injured has an emotional connection to violence from unsolved anger problem mixed with sexual desires.  

    This can be fixed,but self or professional therapy is needed.

  2. If you now have a high s*x drive you will likely continue having that in adulthood. Nothing wrong with that except you will need a partner who also has a high s*x drive. Probably all person had or will have sexual fantasy thoughts but, violent thoughts can be dangerous, and there is no need for violence in s*x.  The thing about selecting a partner, that is a life's partner is, be sure that you are highly sexually attracted to that persons.  s*x is the major element that supports a marriage.  Think about it.  If there is not s*x in a marriage then there is no marriage. A person becoming aroused by images of violence has a mental disorder and can be extremely dangerous.  Again think, why would a person become aroused if they saw a person being beheaded?  That is sick and so if that person. Catfights; there are all sorts of really stupid guys who think watching such things makes them more of a man, but actually they become more like a stupid boy.  You should get away from such guys and let them do their stupid things and you enjoy your life.

  3. People are turned on by all sorts of crazy stuff.  Guys like catfights because there is a chance a random boob might pop out of a shirt or something.  And s*x does have a connection with love.  It does with me at least.  Are you okay?  And yes, childhood events defintely affect who you are in the future, good and bad alike.  And thoughts are one thing... I have some crazy thoughts, dont you?, but actions are quite another.  All people are freaks in some ways, its just no one talks about their freak parts in public.  A counselor does not need to be involved unless other things are going on.  Good luck.

  4. Depends on how severe it is.

    Not sure how you mean by repressed, but traumatic and violent or damaging events from childhood can have a profound effect on how the brain develops, and this can have a massive, lasting effect on how you act as an adult - even though you don't think it does. It can change who you are as a person at a very profound level versus someone who did not suffer such abuse and trauma.

    And the fixation of s*x on violent, loveless fantasies, lack of connection of s*x to love and intimacy are fairly well traced to being abused as a child, particularly physically.

    I can't say what happened to you, I don't know your story, but if you think it's a problem it may be worth looking into things with a therapist - and remember therapy isn't an overnight thing. It's something you have to stick with.

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