
Can retarded children go to the same school with normal-intelligence children???

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So can they?

Do retarded children usually go to school with normal children or the ones like themselves?




  1. I don't think you would be able to go to the same classes a down syndrom child would go to and a normal one.

  2. yes-as long as they can be provided an appropriate education in the least restrictive environment

  3. yes children with mental disabilities can go to school with what you call normal children & iagree with the people who tell you are being an a s s because i have a son with mental & physical handicaps &  he  goes to school in public school although there was a time when my school district were trying to get me to  send to  another school district with  a special ed classroom where all the kids in the classroom are special ed children & when i visited that classroom it was a preschool classroom & that's how these students are taught is like they're a bunch of preschool children & i didn't feel comfortable sned my child who was in the first grade  to  aclass  that felt like i was sending back to he's in second grade & he maybe behind the rest  of the second graders in some areas & has caught up in other areas hwich makes me proud because the his  doctors said he would always be 2 years behind his age group in everything physically & mentally plus school he would alway be behind the kids his age.

  4. You sound like a very ignorant individual!  "retarded" is not the way one refers to another individual.  The people  you refer to as "retarded" are special needs and learning disabled.  OF COURSE they go to school with "normal" children.  And, exactly what is a "normal" child??  Everyone has a deficit in something!  Thank god there are laws to protect special needs individuals from the likes of people like you!

  5. Well so called normal does not mean intelligent! But children with learning difficulties or disabilities can go to a regular public school if they are healthy enough & it won't make matters worse for them. Like when the so called normal kids show there lack of human intelligent behaviour by picking on & making fum of them. Someday they may be in a car or diving accident & no longer be "normal". Just because You weren't born with a birth defect doesn't mean life will always be as You know it! I'd rather have a "downs" friend than many many of the "normal" people I know!!

  6. You go; don't you?

  7. if you are talking about down syndrome - they are usually in a separate class even if the school offers courses for them.  There are special schools just for individuals who have a mental disability.  However, for autistic children on the hand - there is a very wide spectrum.  Some of which I worked with familes and have succeeded in having them place into normal regular education classes.

  8. i can not believe there are still people out there like you, yes you that word is very very offensive. one day when you grow up you will see what an a s s you have made of yourself by using that word. hope this help answer your unbelieveable question.  kit-kat

  9. Well it sort of depends what kind of school it is (primary, secondary, high school, university etc.)

    I am at high school and it's streamed there, so the retards and all in the bottom classes and smart people in high classes (A class)

  10. I can't speak for everywhere but the 3 states in which I have lived they attended the regular public school and were just in their own class.

    and I think the proper term for these children now is mentally handicapped.

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