
Can rg-6 quad coaxial cable work well as component video cabling?

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Less than 100' run, better than 90% copper ctr. cndctr. quad shield w/ gold fittings.




  1. Thats a bit of a bad question.

    You can find HD analog video coax that is RG6, quad shielded.

    You can find CATV coax that is RG6, quad shielded.

    But the CATV coax may not be built for analog HD video frequencies.

    Look up the manufacturer's specs on the coax. You want analog frequency response.  Find the Attenuation chart or graph.  If the -3db point is around 90-100 Mhz - the coax will work for HD video frequencies.

    Make sure it's ANALOG frequency response.

  2. Yes. I have my projector cables set up that way because of the long runs. You will need to use the correct connectors, of course. They sell rca to coax connectors but you can also put regular coax ends on and then use a rca to coax adapters.

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