
Can rhodiola rosea cause teeth griding or clenching of the jaw?

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Can rhodiola rosea cause teeth griding or clenching of the jaw?




  1. According to some the following is quoted:  A typical dosage is one or two capsules or tablets daily; one in the morning and when taking two, one in the early afternoon. Rhodiola rosea should be taken early in the day because for some it can interfere with sleep. Others can take it in the evening with no effect on sleep patterns. If a user becomes overly activated, jittery or agitated then a smaller dose with very gradual increases may be needed. It is contraindicated in excited states.

    Whether or not this agitated state can lead to teeth grinding, etc. is still anybody's guess.

    good luck

    Added: Rusty, I thought I was very clear in emphasizing that what I said was "opinions," and that any linkage was still "anybody's guess."  

    Geez, I guess you think now anyone who provides and answer on Yahoo now requires a disclaimer statement, followed by a reminder to consult an expert, no, wait at least 3 experts.... Perhaps Yahoo could alter its program to remind all "askers" that while they have this question-board the bear no responsibility for its content nor the answers provided, and to remind everyone to seek professional and expert advice....This should appear at the top of each and every category.....

  2. Why not do something really radical and ask your doctor?

    Stretch, unless you are a doctor how do you know that there is no definitive answer to this question? Please don't be offended it just worries me when someone makes a determination only a doctor should make. I'm afraid the question askers will start using this website for answers that are really only opinions.

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