
Can ridiculousness ever intensify someone's greatness?

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for instance, when someone interesting and intelligent suddenly becomes ridiculous, can that ridiculousness (contrasting with their normal behavior, distancing them from the usual self and thus making their personality even more complex) be just another sign of their profoundness?




  1. By asking this question:  Are you attempting to deepen your own perceived aura of profundity by expressing a profound level of ability to speak the language of irrelevant and nonsensical psycho-babble?

    But, to answer your question:  Acting in any manner in order to create a concocted personality perception is simply pretentious and shallow.

    Get real, stay real.  

  2. My father used to work for a company called Rathyon (sp?) years ago when I was little.  He would often talk about his boss, whom he had great respect towards.  This man was apparently a genius in his field of engineering and many were in "awe" of his brain. According to the stories, however, this man would sometimes come out of his think tank and do comedy, consequently cracking everybody up.  My Dad would say he would even become like a young boy in his "silliness".  This man's antics didn't down play any respect due him, rather it added to his likability with his peers. So, in remembering this story, and combining it with some of my own experiences, I would say, yes, it adds to a persons profoundness a great deal.

  3. Having a bit of personality is not, as some here have suggested, a negative. Countering ones general tendency toward profundity with some comedy can be refreshing and perhaps a sign of a more well-rounded person.

  4. Your question reminds me of my maternal grandfather...a highly intelligent and spiritual person with an aura around him.  We as children were always in awe of his serene personality.  He sensed that and always used to act deliberately in a 'ridiculous' manner so as to make us laugh and put us at ease.  That never reduced his stature as a great man!!!

  5. Neither. It just means the stress of their persona got too great for them. Acting great when you are naught but a mere human like anyone else is a highly stressful act to maintain.

  6. Wealthy people that act ridiculous are called unstable because there is little fall out that money can't fix.  Poor people that act ridiculous are labeled and isolated.  

    I enjoy ridiculousness but don't have much in my life presently.

  7. Haha - Then I would be considered extremely profound!  I think everyone should embrace the sense the ridiculous.  It makes life interesting for you and for other people.  Retain some fun in life.

  8. Ridiculousness is a weakness and saturation point of a personality having greatness.

    If some body has not ridiculouse behaviour, it means he has petience, is kind to others, his greatness level will have potential to rise.

  9. The Lakotas have, what they call heyoka, which are ones who have dreamed of the wakinyan, or thunderbeings, & this dream, or dreams, will *'antithesise' their behavior, forcing them to do or say the exact opposite of what they intend to do or say. They bathe in sand & dry in water. They are hot when it's cold & cold when it's hot.

    It is precisely their ridiculousness which makes them sacred.

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