
Can rose bushes survive indoors in pots? I had several growing quite well in pots outside but one was stolen?

by  |  earlier

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The stolen one and the deep pink one were mother's day gifts from my son and I don't want to lose this one too.. The ground has roots from the pin oaks that grow here so putting it in the ground is not an option.




  1. Sorry to hear about your rose, no I have never heard anyone being successful growing roses indoors. Roses need about 6 to 10 hours of sunlight that is outdoors light.

    We cant duplicate that indoors unless you have a green house.

    Maybe you can put it in a larger pot, one too big for anyone person to carry.

  2. It won't survive without outdoor light.

  3. sunlight.... roses must have at least six and more hours of full direct sunlight... that's what outdoor light is..... you can't give it that inside the house unless you have a sunroom/greenhouse room...

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